”Value-education is the aggregate of all the process by means of which a person develops abilities, attitudes and other forms of behaviour of the positive values in the society in which he lives.” – C. V. Good

Objectives of Value-Education:

  • Full development of child’s personality in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
  • Inculcation of good manners and of responsible and cooperative citizenship.
  • Developing respect for the dignity of individual and society.
  • Inculcation of a spirit of patriotism and national integration.
  • Developing a democratic way of thinking and living.
  • Developing tolerance towards and understanding of different religious faiths.
  • Developing sense of brotherhood at social, national and international levels.
  • Helping pupils to have faith in themselves and in some supernatural power that, is supposed to control this universe and human life.
  • Enabling pupils to make decisions on the basis of sound moral principle

Why do we need value education?

           Value education helps us to understand ‘what to do’ and ‘why to do’ or what is valuable to you as a human being. It enables us to understand our needs and visualize goals correctly and helps us to remove confusions and contradictions in life and also helps us to bring harmony at all four levels – Self, Family, Society and Nature. The ability is to be developed not for a narrow area or field of study, but for everyday situations in life and in all aspects of living. Ultimate goal is – Happiness and prosperity.

Our Value-Education Programmes

  • There are regular classes on moral instructions for all students.
  • Student counseling services are provided in the school.
  • Extension lectures and seminars are conducted for different age groups by experts. This provides them opportunities for their personal development.